
Normale weergave

OuderDe Telegraaf

Vogelspinnen, pythons Γ©n dierenactivisten op reptielenbeurs: ’Maar baardagaam is geschikter als huisdier dan cavia’

9 Maart 2025 om 18:28

Een baardagaam, vogelspin of python is niet het meest voor de hand liggende huisdier. Toch zijn er genoeg liefhebbers die thuis een terrarium hebben met één van deze beestjes. Tot ongenoegen van de Partij voor de Dieren. Zij stonden zondag voor de deur van reptielenbeurs Reptilica in Amstelveen om te protesteren. ’Maar het zijn veel geschiktere huisdieren dan bijvoorbeeld een hamster of cavia.’

Grote vechtpartij in amateurvoetbal, keeper SDZ ’bewerkt met helm’: ’Veertig man stond te slaan en te schelden’

2 Februari 2025 om 16:32

De keeper van de Amsterdamse amateurvoetbalclub SDZ1 is zaterdagmiddag na afloop van een uitwedstrijd tegen het eerste elftal van Amstelveen Heemraad door drie mannen aangevallen op het veld. De politie pakte een 20-jarige Amstelvener op voor de matpartij, waarbij het er volgens ooggetuigen heftig aan toe ging. „De doelman was helemaal dizzy en kon niet meer lopen.”

Grote vechtpartij in amateurvoetbal, keeper SDZ aangevallen met helm: ’Veertig man stond te slaan en te schelden’

2 Februari 2025 om 16:32

De keeper van de Amsterdamse amateurvoetbalclub SDZ1 is zaterdagmiddag na afloop van een uitwedstrijd tegen het eerste elftal van Amstelveen Heemraad door drie mannen aangevallen op het veld. De politie pakte een 20-jarige Amstelvener op voor de matpartij, waarbij het er volgens ooggetuigen heftig aan toe ging. „De doelman was helemaal dizzy en kon niet meer lopen.”

Bridge returned error 403! (19814)

1 April 2024 om 03:05

The website is protected by CloudFlare

RSS-Bridge tried to fetch a website. The fetching was blocked by CloudFlare. CloudFlare is anti-bot software. Its purpose is to block non-humans.

403 Forbidden

The HTTP 403 Forbidden response status code indicates that the server understands the request but refuses to authorize it.



Type: CloudFlareException
Code: 403
Message: https://www.telegraaf.nl/nieuws/rss resulted in 403 Forbidden
File: lib/http.php
Line: 24


#0 index.php(72): RssBridge->main()
#1 lib/RssBridge.php(103): DisplayAction->execute()
#2 actions/DisplayAction.php(68): DisplayAction->createResponse()
#3 actions/DisplayAction.php(117): FilterBridge->collectData()
#4 bridges/FilterBridge.php(82): FeedExpander->collectExpandableDatas()
#5 lib/FeedExpander.php(21): getContents()
#6 lib/contents.php(110): HttpException::fromResponse()
#7 lib/http.php(24)


Query: action=display&bridge=FilterBridge&url=https://www.telegraaf.nl/nieuws/rss&filter=amstelveen&filter_type=permit&case_insensitive=on&target_title=on&target_content=on&length_limit=-1&format=Mrss
Version: 2024-02-02
OS: Linux
PHP: 8.3.4-jammy

Go back

Frenzie, ORelio

Bridge returned error 403! (19813)

31 Maart 2024 om 05:15

The website is protected by CloudFlare

RSS-Bridge tried to fetch a website. The fetching was blocked by CloudFlare. CloudFlare is anti-bot software. Its purpose is to block non-humans.

403 Forbidden

The HTTP 403 Forbidden response status code indicates that the server understands the request but refuses to authorize it.



Type: CloudFlareException
Code: 403
Message: https://www.telegraaf.nl/nieuws/rss resulted in 403 Forbidden
File: lib/http.php
Line: 24


#0 index.php(72): RssBridge->main()
#1 lib/RssBridge.php(103): DisplayAction->execute()
#2 actions/DisplayAction.php(68): DisplayAction->createResponse()
#3 actions/DisplayAction.php(117): FilterBridge->collectData()
#4 bridges/FilterBridge.php(82): FeedExpander->collectExpandableDatas()
#5 lib/FeedExpander.php(21): getContents()
#6 lib/contents.php(110): HttpException::fromResponse()
#7 lib/http.php(24)


Query: action=display&bridge=FilterBridge&url=https://www.telegraaf.nl/nieuws/rss&filter=amstelveen&filter_type=permit&case_insensitive=on&target_title=on&target_content=on&length_limit=-1&format=Mrss
Version: 2024-02-02
OS: Linux
PHP: 8.3.4-jammy

Go back

Frenzie, ORelio

Bridge returned error 403! (19812)

30 Maart 2024 om 04:46

The website is protected by CloudFlare

RSS-Bridge tried to fetch a website. The fetching was blocked by CloudFlare. CloudFlare is anti-bot software. Its purpose is to block non-humans.

403 Forbidden

The HTTP 403 Forbidden response status code indicates that the server understands the request but refuses to authorize it.



Type: CloudFlareException
Code: 403
Message: https://www.telegraaf.nl/nieuws/rss resulted in 403 Forbidden
File: lib/http.php
Line: 24


#0 index.php(72): RssBridge->main()
#1 lib/RssBridge.php(103): DisplayAction->execute()
#2 actions/DisplayAction.php(68): DisplayAction->createResponse()
#3 actions/DisplayAction.php(117): FilterBridge->collectData()
#4 bridges/FilterBridge.php(82): FeedExpander->collectExpandableDatas()
#5 lib/FeedExpander.php(21): getContents()
#6 lib/contents.php(110): HttpException::fromResponse()
#7 lib/http.php(24)


Query: action=display&bridge=FilterBridge&url=https://www.telegraaf.nl/nieuws/rss&filter=amstelveen&filter_type=permit&case_insensitive=on&target_title=on&target_content=on&length_limit=-1&format=Mrss
Version: 2024-02-02
OS: Linux
PHP: 8.3.4-jammy

Go back

Frenzie, ORelio

Bridge returned error 403! (19811)

29 Maart 2024 om 03:50

The website is protected by CloudFlare

RSS-Bridge tried to fetch a website. The fetching was blocked by CloudFlare. CloudFlare is anti-bot software. Its purpose is to block non-humans.

403 Forbidden

The HTTP 403 Forbidden response status code indicates that the server understands the request but refuses to authorize it.



Type: CloudFlareException
Code: 403
Message: https://www.telegraaf.nl/nieuws/rss resulted in 403 Forbidden
File: lib/http.php
Line: 24


#0 index.php(72): RssBridge->main()
#1 lib/RssBridge.php(103): DisplayAction->execute()
#2 actions/DisplayAction.php(68): DisplayAction->createResponse()
#3 actions/DisplayAction.php(117): FilterBridge->collectData()
#4 bridges/FilterBridge.php(82): FeedExpander->collectExpandableDatas()
#5 lib/FeedExpander.php(21): getContents()
#6 lib/contents.php(110): HttpException::fromResponse()
#7 lib/http.php(24)


Query: action=display&bridge=FilterBridge&url=https://www.telegraaf.nl/nieuws/rss&filter=amstelveen&filter_type=permit&case_insensitive=on&target_title=on&target_content=on&length_limit=-1&format=Mrss
Version: 2024-02-02
OS: Linux
PHP: 8.3.4-jammy

Go back

Frenzie, ORelio

Bridge returned error 403! (19808)

26 Maart 2024 om 03:00

The website is protected by CloudFlare

RSS-Bridge tried to fetch a website. The fetching was blocked by CloudFlare. CloudFlare is anti-bot software. Its purpose is to block non-humans.

403 Forbidden

The HTTP 403 Forbidden response status code indicates that the server understands the request but refuses to authorize it.



Type: CloudFlareException
Code: 403
Message: https://www.telegraaf.nl/nieuws/rss resulted in 403 Forbidden
File: lib/http.php
Line: 24


#0 index.php(72): RssBridge->main()
#1 lib/RssBridge.php(103): DisplayAction->execute()
#2 actions/DisplayAction.php(68): DisplayAction->createResponse()
#3 actions/DisplayAction.php(117): FilterBridge->collectData()
#4 bridges/FilterBridge.php(82): FeedExpander->collectExpandableDatas()
#5 lib/FeedExpander.php(21): getContents()
#6 lib/contents.php(110): HttpException::fromResponse()
#7 lib/http.php(24)


Query: action=display&bridge=FilterBridge&url=https://www.telegraaf.nl/nieuws/rss&filter=amstelveen&filter_type=permit&case_insensitive=on&target_title=on&target_content=on&length_limit=-1&format=Mrss
Version: 2024-02-02 (git.master.4c355ba)
OS: Linux
PHP: 8.2.7

Go back

Frenzie, ORelio

Bridge returned error 403! (19807)

25 Maart 2024 om 02:20

The website is protected by CloudFlare

RSS-Bridge tried to fetch a website. The fetching was blocked by CloudFlare. CloudFlare is anti-bot software. Its purpose is to block non-humans.

403 Forbidden

The HTTP 403 Forbidden response status code indicates that the server understands the request but refuses to authorize it.



Type: CloudFlareException
Code: 403
Message: https://www.telegraaf.nl/nieuws/rss resulted in 403 Forbidden
File: lib/http.php
Line: 24


#0 index.php(72): RssBridge->main()
#1 lib/RssBridge.php(103): DisplayAction->execute()
#2 actions/DisplayAction.php(68): DisplayAction->createResponse()
#3 actions/DisplayAction.php(117): FilterBridge->collectData()
#4 bridges/FilterBridge.php(82): FeedExpander->collectExpandableDatas()
#5 lib/FeedExpander.php(21): getContents()
#6 lib/contents.php(110): HttpException::fromResponse()
#7 lib/http.php(24)


Query: action=display&bridge=FilterBridge&url=https://www.telegraaf.nl/nieuws/rss&filter=amstelveen&filter_type=permit&case_insensitive=on&target_title=on&target_content=on&length_limit=-1&format=Mrss
Version: 2024-02-02 (git.master.4c355ba)
OS: Linux
PHP: 8.2.7

Go back

Frenzie, ORelio

Bridge returned error 403! (19806)

24 Maart 2024 om 02:50

The website is protected by CloudFlare

RSS-Bridge tried to fetch a website. The fetching was blocked by CloudFlare. CloudFlare is anti-bot software. Its purpose is to block non-humans.

403 Forbidden

The HTTP 403 Forbidden response status code indicates that the server understands the request but refuses to authorize it.



Type: CloudFlareException
Code: 403
Message: https://www.telegraaf.nl/nieuws/rss resulted in 403 Forbidden
File: lib/http.php
Line: 24


#0 index.php(72): RssBridge->main()
#1 lib/RssBridge.php(103): DisplayAction->execute()
#2 actions/DisplayAction.php(68): DisplayAction->createResponse()
#3 actions/DisplayAction.php(117): FilterBridge->collectData()
#4 bridges/FilterBridge.php(82): FeedExpander->collectExpandableDatas()
#5 lib/FeedExpander.php(21): getContents()
#6 lib/contents.php(110): HttpException::fromResponse()
#7 lib/http.php(24)


Query: action=display&bridge=FilterBridge&url=https://www.telegraaf.nl/nieuws/rss&filter=amstelveen&filter_type=permit&case_insensitive=on&target_title=on&target_content=on&length_limit=-1&format=Mrss
Version: 2024-02-02 (git.master.4c355ba)
OS: Linux
PHP: 8.2.7

Go back

Frenzie, ORelio
