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Youth Lego Extravaganza on Sat April 5th

23 Februari 2025 om 14:15

Over the past few years, we here at NFC have been building up our club, brick by brick. We've created a basic plan and tried to follow the instructions step by step. But we've also let our creativity run wild and tried things that were more creative because we saw a vision of what could be. And we've benefited tremendously from the diversity of our members, gaining strength, ideas, and support from our different backgrounds. As we go forward, we don't want to let go of that spirit. So we are pleased to announce a special event for our Youth members - NFC's first ever Lego Extravaganza! - that will be held on Saturday, April 5 in De Kantine. Youth members will have the chance to build several different Lego sets including a special one made for NFC. And we'll have a prize draw for participants to win their own lego set! Tickets are only 5 euros per child and help us cover the costs of the lego sets we purchase. If your child and/or their siblings love legos and want a chance to build some cool sets, then sign them up today! Parents are also welcome to sign up too.... you're never too old to love building Legos! 😆

NFC Annual Beer Tasting (18+) - March 14 @ 2000

12 Februari 2025 om 13:30

NFC is pleased to invite its members and their guests (18+) to its annual beer tasting event in De Kantine on Friday, March 14th at 2000.  Thanks to the efforts of Jeroen Westdorp, we have secured 6 beers for members to sample. We'll have a great selection of appetizers and snacks available to stimulate your palatte as well. Tickets are only 5 euros for the tasting.  We also are excited to share that we have a limited stock of NFC beer glasses available for you to enjoy your beers during the event. The glasses are 12 euros each but we'll throw in a free beer with every one you purchase. This is one of the most fun (adult) events at NFC and we look forward to learning and enjoying some wonderful beer and even better company with friends. But spots are limited so make sure to get your tickets today! Regards, NFC

Statement Concerning the Incident at Amstelveen Heemraad

3 Februari 2025 om 14:00

Last night, the NFC Board was informed about a violent incident that took place at Amstelveen Heemraad involving spectators and a SDZ team resulting in a very serious injury to the SDZ1 goalkeeper. Our main concern is for the wellbeing of the goalkeeper and his family. NFC condemns any and all individuals responsible for this heinous act. We were also made aware of the arrest of one of the spectators in question who is also a member of an NFC senior team. We take this matter very seriously and are gathering all relevant information to understand the full context of what occurred. We ask for patience as we complete a thorough review. In the meantime, we reaffirm our commitment to fostering a safe and respectful sporting environment for all. Further updates will be provided as appropriate. Board of NFC For inquiries please contact: bestuur@nfc.nl

2025 Lunar New Year Lunch

9 Januari 2025 om 06:00

Join us for a wonderful and delicious celebration of the new (Lunar) year! Nearly 2 billion people observe this important holiday including many NFC members.

New Year's Welcome

26 December 2024 om 15:00

Dear NFC Family: You are cordially invited to our annual New Year's Welcome on Saturday, January 11, at 1500 in De Kantine. Come join us for a free drink (beer, wine, non-alcoholic) and some yummy snacks as we catch up on the holidays and meet the NFC Board Members. We have been busy these past few months and would love to share some more about where we're heading in 2025. And if you're a youth parent, feel free to bring your kids and let them play in the canteen or on the field while you get a chance to relax and hang out. Hope to see you then! Alex on behalf of the NFC Board ********************** Beste NFC-familie: U bent van harte uitgenodigd voor ons jaarlijkse nieuwjaarswelkomst op zaterdag 11 januari om 15.00 uur in De Kantine. Kom met ons mee voor een gratis drankje (bier, wijn, non-alcoholisch) en lekkere snacks terwijl we de feestdagen bijpraten en de NFC-bestuursleden ontmoeten. We zijn de afgelopen maanden druk bezig geweest en willen graag wat meer delen over waar we in 2025 naartoe gaan. En als u een jeugdouder bent, neem dan gerust uw kinderen mee en laat ze spelen in de kantine of op het veld, terwijl u de kans krijgt om te ontspannen en rond te hangen. Ik hoop je dan te zien! Alex namens het NFC-bestuur

Published in Amstelveens Nieuwsblad: NFC’s Legacy and New Future in Amstelveen

7 November 2024 om 13:30

In last week’s edition of Amstelveens Nieuwsblad, the spotlight was on NFC, a historic football club that has become a cornerstone of Amstelveen’s sports community. With a legacy of success and recent updates to its facilities and programs, NFC continues to evolve as a welcoming home for both local and international players, embodying its motto: ‘Where the world comes to play.

In Memoriam: Ben Douglas

22 Oktober 2024 om 12:45

Former sports journalist Ben Douglas passed away in his sleep on the night of Friday to Saturday at the age of 87. Douglas was the "voice" of NFC, broadcasting from our Tribune and covering all of our matches. He also served on the NFC Board for many years. He is an icon of our wonderful club and will be greatly missed. A public farewell ceremony will take place on Thursday, October 24 from 1800 to 2000 at the Westgaarde, Ookmeerweg 275, Amsterdam, NL. We wish Ben's family our love and deepest sympathies during this difficult time. NFC

Autumn Vacation (28th Oct-1st Nov)

22 Oktober 2024 om 11:45

NFC Youth Department will take a break during autumn vacation (28th Oct-1st Nov). There will be no Club training during this period.

Autumn Vacation (28th Oct-1st Nov)

22 Oktober 2024 om 11:30

NFC Youth Department will take a break during autumn vacation (28th Oct-1st Nov). There will be no Club training during this period.

Autumn Football Camp

15 Oktober 2024 om 10:15

For all the enthusiastic kids who want to ‘Train with a Pro, Like a Pro’ in Autumn Break.

MO9 girls - fun, friends, and football!

18 September 2024 om 10:15

Our MO9 girls team is growing everyday. If you have a daughter (born in 2016 or 2017) who would like to play football, make friends, and have fun, please sign up for a trial training. Our MO9 girls team trains Mondays and Fridays from 1600 to 1715. Join us and help make NFC football history!


Join our Team!

16 September 2024 om 10:30

Love helping kids learn to play football ? Eager to make a positive impact in their lives and help build the future talent of NFC? Want to get rewarded for it?


Sept 7 - Coffee Chats with our Education Partners!

23 Augustus 2024 om 08:00

Dear Youth parents: NFC has organized some informal coffee chats with several of our educational providers on Saturday, September 7 from 1000 to 1300 in the canteen. Come stop by and learn more about the enrichment programs they can offer your child! Free snacks and drinks provided. As schools are starting and we are all looking for activities for our children (of course in addition to football 😆), we hope this can be helpful to you in your search as well. 🙏🙏

Sign up for Friday Technical Trainings!

19 December 2024 om 08:15

NFC has partnered with former Ajax trainer and coach Eddie van Schaick to offer a special weekly trainings from Jan 17 - June 6. The program is specifically designed for NFC u9, u10, and u11 to improve their ball mastery Help your child gain the skills needed to be confident in their matches!

Follow NFC on Instagram and Facebook!

27 Augustus 2024 om 22:45

Hey all, NFC is back and better than ever - not just because of our new canteen, fields, and kits, but also, I'm proud to announce that we've fully relaunched our social media channels! That means new Instagram and Facebook pages where we'll be posting content every week including interviews, team profiles, competition updates and more! These are new accounts so make sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook here: - instagram.com/nfcvoetbal - facebook.com/nfcvoetbalclub

Parents! Meet our Education Partners

23 Augustus 2024 om 08:00

Dear Youth parents, as many of you know, we at NFC are all about bringing the joy of football to as many people as possible. Equally important is our commitment to our members' education and learning. As such, we have formed partnerships with 4 educational providers to help our kids in their studies and academic enrichment. We have created a short guide for you to raise awareness about our partners and to provide you with helpful info on them in case you would like to learn further. As schools are starting and we are all looking for activities for our children (of course in addition to football 😆), we hope this can be helpful to you in your search as well. 🙏🙏

NFC Welcomes New Head of Youth Education in its Ongoing Quest to Upgrade

22 Juli 2024 om 13:45

NFC, the international football club with Dutch roots in Amstelveen, has taken a bold decision to hire a new Hoofd Jeugd Opleiding (Head of Youth Education), or HJO for short Last week, NFC Chairman Daniel Gaulard and Board Secretary Michael Zhang officially welcomed the new HJO, Mr. Johnneten Boerleider, in a signing ceremony at the club. Johnneten succeeds the current HJO George Visser who has been with NFC for six seasons and has given countless hours to inspire and cultivate passion for the game among NFC’s youth players. NFC would like to thank outgoing HJO George Visser for his long-standing service and dedication to the club.

Sign-up for the 2024 Senior Tournament & BBQ!

10 Juli 2024 om 15:00

Dear Seniors, this year we are pleased to announce our 2024 SENIOR TOURNAMENT BBQ on August 24th at 1300! We'll be playing on our new pitches with new facilities and a new canteen. Come join us for a great afternoon of football, fun, and festivities. Meet your fellow seniors, show off your skills, and see who can outlast everyone in the Third Half!

In Memoriam: Maarten Brouwer

27 Juni 2024 om 08:00

Dear NFC family, we are sad to inform you of the passing of one of our esteemed NFC members, Maarten Brouwer, this past June 23, 2024.

In Memoriam: Ad Leber

10 Juni 2024 om 09:15

Dear NFC family, We are sad to inform you of the passing of one of our NFC members, Ad Leber, this past June 4, 2024. We wish Ad's family our deepest condolences and support during this difficult time. There will be an opportunity to say goodbye and express condolences on Tuesday from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in Bouwens Funeral Center, Startbaan 7 at the corner Van der Hooplaan, Amstelveen. With our sympathies, The NFC Board Beste NFC-familie, Met droefheid moeten wij u informeren over het overlijden van een van onze NFC-leden, Ad Leber, afgelopen 4 juni 2024. Wij wensen de familie van Ad ons diepste medeleven en steun in deze moeilijke tijd. Dinsdag van 18.00 - 19.00 uur is er gelegenheid voor afscheid en condoleances in Uitvaartcentrum Bouwens, Startbaan 7 op de hoek Van der Hooplaan, Amstelveen. Met ons medeleven, Het NFC-bestuur

2023-2024 Biljartclub Kampioen Dick Backer!

4 Juni 2024 om 14:30

Biljart. De magie van de tafel. Weinigen kunnen het beheersen. En NFC heeft zo'n goochelaar gevonden. Billiards. The magic of the table. Few can master it. And NFC has found one such magician.


4 Juni 2024 om 12:00

NFC. Where the world comes to play. And now, thanks to NFC-3, it’s where champions come to stay.

NFC3 Wins KNVB Beker Regional Semi-Final!

22 Mei 2024 om 09:30

This Friday, May 3rd, NFC3 clinched its spot in the regional amateur finals by winning 1-0 against Jong Hercules 3! Please join me in wishing NFC 3 Coach Alon Goldis and his team a heartfelt congratulations on this amazing performance!

Buy Your Tickets Now for Youth End of Season Party, June 15th

2 Mei 2024 om 08:30

Come join us in celebrating an amazing season for our Youth players! NFC is throwing our annual End of Season Youth Party on Saturday June 15th complete with great food, great activities, and some special surprises for parents and players. Buy your tickets now1
